
A leading nutraceutical brand renowned for making intolerable ingredients palatable without compromising their quality.


With unprecedented technology, Tesseract surely stands apart in the nutraceutical world. With their CyLoc technology, each molecule is encased in a dextrin fiber delivery matrix, not only eliminating issues of unpalatable taste and smell but ensuring optimal delivery. Trust me- Butyrate alone smells like rotten eggs so this technology is a game changer. The CyLoc technology creates nano-sized particles are far more absorbable, hence can actually be utilized in the cells.

There is one and only one Butyrate on the market DW recommends clinically, and it is Tesseract's ProButyrate. This short chain fatty acid can eliminate inflammatory responses in the gut that are causing annoying symptoms. Many folks with leaky gut, SIBO, IBS etc. are deficient in Butyrate, and Tesseracts formula can sometimes be a real game-changer.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice; the Content is...
Like ProButyrate™, AuRx™, utilizes the patent-pending DexKey™ release process developed by Al Czap, founder of Thorne Research, that carefully breaks...
$71.00 $64.00
SafeCell by Tesseract Medical Research
IMMUNE SUPPORT: QuerciSorb contains Quercetin, a potent flavonoid found in many superfoods, with superior antioxidant properties, thought to help improve...
IMMUNE SUPPORT: QuerciSorb contains Quercetin, a potent flavonoid found in many superfoods, with superior antioxidant properties, thought to help improve...
More than half of men older than 50 will experience an enlarged prostate gland (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, or BPH). In...
With proprietary Cyloc technology, each molecule of CoQ10 is encased within a cyclodextrin matrix, thus significantly enhancing its absorbability. Transporting...
Harmful bacteria and problematic pathogens are frequently treated with prescription antibiotics that can have unforeseen and detrimental side effects on...
CURCUMIN SUPPLEMENT: TetraCumin-SR is formulated with bioavailable curcumin. Curcumin can help support a normal inflammatory response in the body which...
CURCUMIN SUPPLEMENT: TetraCumin-QR is formulated with bioavailable curcumin. Curcumin can help support a normal inflammatory response in the body which...