Which Anti-Microbial?

Which Anti-Microbial?
Which Anti-Microbial?

The million-dollar question for sure:

Which antimicrobial should I use for my condition? 

I am receiving this question so frequently, that I am writing this blog in hopes of assisting those desperately seeking to alleviate symptoms. I’ve been there.

This is surely not an easy question to answer.

Finding the anti-microbial that works for one’s individual situation is akin to finding the diet that finally leads to healing……….often it is through relentless trial and error that we discover these specific measures.

When we do, however, there is usually no question; inflammation begins to resolve. Food becomes more tolerated, pain, gas and bloating let up, and our mental state gets clearer, lighter.

Now- I am by no means saying that this is an overnight process.

Although, I will say, that most folks cling to supplements that are not serving them for far, far too long. The general rule in my practice is that if a supplement is not helping you in a period of 2-3 weeks’ time, then it is time to move on.

If you do not see improvement after such a time frame, even after experimenting with a higher dose of said compound, then it is very likely that it is not the formula that is going to take you there. Yes, add it to that stash- you know, that stash……….that entire section of the cabinet devoted to ‘didn’t work’ supplements.Or even worse the ‘made things worse’ section.  

Let’s face it, most of us could have taken a trip to Fiji by now with the money we’ve wasted (I mean explored) with supplements. All I can say, is I’m sorry. For me, its more like a trip to Fiji, 2 trips to Europe and at least 1 or 2 to the Bahamas, so, I get it.

Hence, DigestiveWarrior, right?

That being said, these are merely guidelines. The chemistry of our bodies and how our individual microbiome’s respond to botanicals and compounds will forever and always be somewhat of a mystery.

After years of offering the best Functional Medicine GI Comprehensive stool testing, I find the findings vague and unreliable.

What’s even more mystifying is the susceptibility testing (identifies what exact compounds as well as pharmaceutical antibiotics should kill infection).

Wouldn’t it just be peachy if we all got our stool tests back and in black and white it says that grapefruit extract will ‘kill’ our candida and we take it and VOILA, candida gone!?!

Yet……it doesn’t usually work like that. Time and time again I see patients get excited over these findings, as it seems like such a clear-cut scientific solution.

 Our bodies are multi-dimensional eco-systems, our soil ever-changing terrain…..the most advanced scientific measures able to see less than 5% of our microbes. 5%! That’s it!

How on earth is a stool test that gets a snapshot of less than 5% of your microbiome going to tell us that X or Y compound is or is not going to address our issue?

Here is lies why this topic is so complicated.

The answers usually only come from one place, and one place only- trial and error.  But isn’t that just about how most of life goes……so. We become our own best detectives, constantly refining our skills, our responses to things. We develop the most primal senses we can muster up, and become brutally honest in our approach to healing.

There aren’t really many short-cuts- although we might get lucky from time to time.

Below is a list of conditions and the top 3 supplements that I recommend most per condition. I think this will be most user friendly, as most folks arrive here with a general definition of their digestive ailments.

I will go in the order of most commonly seen (in my practice and from my audience, anyway).

Candida (or yeast and fungal issues in general):

If you have skin issues such as rashes, eczema, dandruff, psoriasis, vaginal yeast-infections, jock itch, athletes foot, ring worm and/or yellowing of the fingernails or toe-nails, you’ve got a fungal problem. Most likely brain-fog will accompany this, along with adverse reactions to sugars and carbs. Candida can be harder than heck to kill. We all have X amount of candida residing in us…tis when it spreads like wildfire and takes over that we become ill. Here are my top 3 picks for Candida:

1. MegaMycobalance This is one of Microbiomelabs newest products in their digestive line specifically designed for yeast and fungal infections. It’s mostly one ingredient- undecylenic acid, which is an organic fatty acid from castor bean oil. This acid can actually target the roots of candida albicans that become embedded in the intestinal wall. It also contains a splash of Bee propolis- a very effective anti-fungal plant resin that bees actually use to line their hives. This is my top pick for Candida, I’ve seen great results with it clinically.  * start at very low dose and slowly increase- potent stuff.

2. Candibactin AR and CandiBactin BR by Metagenics (taken together)-  Candibactin AR is basically Oregano Oil and Thyme oil, both very effective towards yeast and fungal infection. Oregano is very popular for such issues, but people often underestimate Thyme Oil. As this product combines them, I find something about them used synergistically that is often more effective than just straight Oregano Oil. The Candibactin BR is basically high dose Berberine (potent antifungal) combined with some Chinese herbs (of course the DOM in me loves this). These 2 products taken together are a powerful punch.

3. Meso Silver (Colloidal Silver)- I’m a huge fan of colloidal silver (silver nanoparticles). People are constantly questioning its safety and honestly, I find it silly at this point. I’ve drank gallons. I’m not blue. Nor is anyone in the history of silver drinking except the one blue faced man everyone references who drank colloidal salts, not silver. Before penicillin was discovered in 1934, silver was one of the main things used to treat infection. It is a very effective towards fungus and yeast. 

The gold standard now in all Functional Medicine training is to take a compound or formula for 2-3 weeks, then swap formulas. This rotation prevents said infection from becoming resistant. If you start a product and you do indeed see improvement…that’s great. You still might want to try rotating formulas, and coming back to the one that’s working, just to ensure resistance doesn’t happen. Of course, some folks can just stick to one and it works. That’s awesome.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is associated with dysbiosis, and can usually be associated with a silent bacterial or fungal infection. The proposed supplements listed for Candida can surely be explored. If I lean towards thinking that the patient’s symptoms line up with more of a bacterial infection rather than fungal, I sometimes go a different route:

1. Candibactin AR and CandiBactin BR by Metagenics (taken together)-  Candibactin AR is basically Oregano Oil and Thyme oil, both very effective towards yeast and fungal infection. Oregano is very popular for such issues, but people often underestimate Thyme Oil. As this product combines them, I find something about them used synergistically that is often more effective than just straight Oregano Oil. The Candibactin BR is basically high dose Berberine (potent antifungal) combined with some Chinese herbs (of course the DOM in me loves this). These 2 products taken together are a powerful punch.

 2. Biocidin LSF by Bio-Botanical Research-  Designed to cut straight through biofilms and I believe it really does In most cases. Sophisticated blend of many antimicrobials, including oregano oil, back walnut, Tea Tree , garlic and Gentian. Liposomal delivery will bring best results, no question.

3. Meso (Colloidal Silver)- I’m a high fan of colloidal silver (silver nanoparticles). People are constantly questioning its safety and honestly, I find it silly at this point. If it concerns you, go here to my Scientific Articles section, scroll down to safety of Colloidal Silver and go to town. I created that section for those of you still not up-to-date on the efficacy and safety of silver. I’ve drank gallons. I’m not blue. Nor is anyone in the history of silver drinking except the one blue faced man everyone references who drank colloidal salts, not silver. Before penicillin was discovered in 1934, silver was one of the main things used to treat infection. It is a very effective towards fungus, yeast and bacteria. 

The gold standard now in all Functional Medicine training is to take a compound or formula for 2-3 weeks, then swap formulas. This rotation prevents said infection from becoming resistant. If you start a product and you do indeed see improvement…that’s great. You still might want to try rotating formulas, and coming back to the one that’s working, just to ensure resistance doesn’t happen. Of course, some folks can just stick to one and it works. That’s awesome.

SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)

Treating SIBO can be a winding rollercoaster. Often pharmaceuticals combined with natural compounds are the best combination.

  1. Biocidin LSF by Bio-Botanical Research-  Designed to cut straight through biofilms and I believe it really does In most cases. Sophisticated blend of many antimicrobials, including oregano oil, black walnut, Tea Tree, garlic and Gentian. Liposomal delivery will bring best results, no question.  * Should really only be used for reducing hydrogen, not methane cases.


  1. MegaSporeBiotic by MicroBiomeLabs A 100% spore-based, broad-spectrum probiotic shown to maintain healthy gut barrier function. This unique all-spore formula effectively RECONDITIONS the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining key health-promoting, commensal gut bacteria. MegaSporeBiotic™ boasts a 5-year shelf-life, does not require refrigeration, and maintains a healthy gut microbiome.


  1. Ozonated Olive Oil Capsules by PurO3Ozonated oil capsules can help promote a healthy gut and overall better health. PurO3 ozonated olive oil capsules harness the properties of ozone so you can take it as a daily supplement. Ozone can help modulate your immune system and balance the antioxidant/oxidant levels in the body. Because ozone primarily goes after anaerobic bacteria, this may help with stomach and GI tract issues.


  1. Meso Silver (Colloidal Silver)- I’m a huge fan of colloidal silver (silver nanoparticles), its pretty much anti-everything. People are constantly questioning its safety and honestly, I find it silly at this point. If it concerns you, go here to my Scientific Articles section, scroll down to safety of Colloidal Silver and go to town. I created that section for those of you still not up-to-date on the efficacy and safety of silver. I’ve drank gallons. I’m not blue. Nor is anyone in the history of silver drinking except the one blue faced man everyone references who drank colloidal salts, not silver. Before penicillin was discovered in 1934, silver was one of the main things used to treat infection.
The gold standard now in all Functional Medicine training is to take a compound or formula for 2-3 weeks, then swap formulas. This rotation prevents said infection from becoming resistant. If you start a product and you do indeed see improvement…that’s great. You still might want to try rotating formulas, and coming back to the one that’s working, just to ensure resistance doesn’t happen. Of course, some folks can just stick to one and it works. That’s awesome.


Both chronic diarrhea and constipation (or the alternating between the two) are linked to dysbiosis/infection. Could be fungal, could be bacterial, could be both. Diet huge culprit (visit my diet section here). Regardless, often easily treated with anti-microbials.

  1. Biocidin LSF by Bio-Botanical Research-  Designed to cut straight through biofilms and I believe it really does In most cases. Sophisticated blend of many antimicrobials, including oregano oil, back walnut, Tea Tree , garlic and Gentian. Liposomal delivery will bring best results, no question.


  1. PathoGuard by DesBio:   PathoGuard’s targeted formula supports the body's immune system in clearing bacteria, worms, parasites, and viruses. It supports the immune system and healthy gastrointestinal function.


  1. Meso Silver (Colloidal Silver)- I’m a high fan of colloidal silver (silver nanoparticles), its pretty much anti-everything. People are constantly questioning its safety and honestly, I find it silly at this point. If it concerns you, go here to my Scientific Articles section, scroll down to safety of Colloidal Silver and go to town. I created that section for those of you still not up-to-date on the efficacy and safety of silver. I’ve drank gallons. I’m not blue. Nor is anyone in the history of silver drinking except the one blue faced man everyone references who drank colloidal salts, not silver. Before penicillin was discovered in 1934, silver was one of the main things used to treat infection.  

IgG/IgY Therapy

Lastly, I want to mention IgG treatment as an option. I have found IgG therapy effective for many who, for whatever reason, do not get results from above mentioned anti-microbials.

I wish I knew why some people do not respond to anti-microbial treatment….but not all do. Most do. For those seeking an alternative, IgG products should be considered.

It is somewhat of a less abrasive treatment….as it is not “killing’ per say, directly. It indirectly addresses infection.

We are essentially manipulating the immune system, in a good way, with IgG or IgY therapy; getting the immune system back online to recognize and eliminate infection.

 “Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the most abundant antibody in the system, can be found in blood and extracellular fluid, allowing it to control infections in the body. IgG antibodies can bind a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as their toxic by-products. Binding these toxins will neutralize them and allow the immune system to safely remove them from the body. Immune Support: Significantly reduces inflammation and intestinal damage.”

  1. Mega IgG2000- by Microbiomelabs-  Dairy Free (but sourced from bovine) Immunoglobulin concentrate. Contains IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies. The serum immunoglobulin in Mega IgG2000 has been the subject in over 10 published human clinical trials on inflammatory and infectious bowel conditions.

Again, the above lists are general guidelines. Of course diet is a huge factor in addressing a gut infection as well.

Antimicrobials are generally suggested for 4-6 weeks; I have definitely pushed it to 8 weeks, sometimes even longer in extreme cases. Rotation almost always necessary, as resistance is a real issue; rotation often the missing component in failed cases I see. 

Crohn’s and Colitis require much more extensive treatment time. Just make sure you are taking your spores (MegaSporeBiotic) during treatment to ensure you are repopulating good guys that are contributing to fighting the war.

What else?

Biofilm Busters:

Best Combo: Liposomal EDTA by Quicksilver and NAC. Hitting the biofolims hard with these 2 products can sometimes make or break the treatment. 


* Very important. GI detox is my fave. 


Sit outside in sun everyday for at least 15 minutes- no sunscreen.


Lots and lots of water.


Hugs (as much Oxytocin as possible).

Rest. Without guilt.

Karen Mullins DOM

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