Derma Colonizer by Systemic Formulas

  • SKU: SK-CO-2019

Regular price $84.00

The bacteria that inhabit human skin are found to serve hundreds, if not thousands, of beneficial activities including help with healing wounds, informing cell receptors to initiate cellular activities, and serving as a front-line immune system that provides protection and immune modulation regarding the myriad of pathogens that seek entrance to the body. DERMA COLONIZER is an innovative breakthrough in product formulation by presenting the body with truly viable cultures.

Probiotics for internal use have dominated scientific research; but all along there has been significant research on probiotic species that support skin health. The challenge of topical probiotics is to keep them alive long enough to get them to the consumer. The viability challenge has been successfully met by Systemic’s pioneering research team, under the guidance of Dr. Shayne Morris. These species, in their oil base, remain viable and thus can help re-introduce beneficial species for overall skin health.

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