Itch Formula by Des Bio
Dosing: 1 to 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Consult a physician for use in children under 12 years of age.
- Calendula Officinalis (3X)
- Apis mellifica (6X)
- Natrum Muriaticum (6X)
- Urtica Urens (6X)
- Histaminum Hydrochloricum (6X 12X 30X)
- Ledum Palustre (6X 12X 30X)
- Sulphur (8X)
- Copaiva Officinalis (10X)
- Cantharis (12X)
- Croton Tiglium (12X)
- Graphites (12X)
- Mezereum (12X)
- Petroleum (12X)
- Rhus Venenata (12X)
- Staphysagria (12X)
- Antipyrinum (16X)